Just a note

We here @ support Brad, his career and family. I do not allow the bashing of Brad, his career, family, or the choices he makes. It doesn’t mean I am happy with everything he chooses to do or has done in the past. We all simply have to accept it. If you’re not into Brad or the way he lives his life, with the family he is with or the projects he chooses: move on. There are plenty of supposed ‘fansites’ that will allow it. All comments left that will go against this, are simply removed because I don’t want to be a negative bunch of bashers, that’s not what a fansite is about in my opinion. If you think that’s taking away your freedom of speech or whatever: it’s not, you’re free to speak/discuss this elsewhere. I’m getting tired of comments left in relation to his previous marriage/current family status. It’s been 4 years, get over it people. Thanks.