Please help

April 7, 2024 Josan 0

The yearly SB bills are coming up. If you’re a frequent visitor and would like to support financially, please consider making a money donation. All donations received will go towards maintaining and improving this website!

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Happy birthday Brad!

December 18, 2022 Josan 0 wishes Brad a lovely birthday and many beautiful loving years to come. Thank you for continuing to share your amazing talents and big heart with the world. Keep it up and may you have a great birthday together with [Continue reading..]

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Thank you!

September 24, 2022 Josan 0

A big thank you to Dolly for her donation. It is overwhelming to realise that people actually want to contribute to the funding of my website. It is so needed and helpful, THANK YOU! If you could spare a few [Continue reading..]

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BP Gallery

March 3, 2022 Josan 0

Go check out our huge BP gallery as it received a long overdue redesign thanks to the very kind and talented Finding Colors. If you would like a BP Gallery account, just email me with your desired username and I [Continue reading..]

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January 23, 2022 Josan 0

So… I don’t usually check up on any other BP websites, just cause I don’t want the drama. But there is this Brasilian website, and you know who you are when you read this. That is stealing all of my [Continue reading..]

No Image update

December 13, 2021 Josan 0

Sorry we have been missing in action when it comes to the website. I’m updating with news now and will hopefully add media again this week. No worries, we aren’t going anywhere since 2005! Luckily Brad is on the down [Continue reading..]

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Oh and Thank You!

September 6, 2021 Josan 0

The last few months I have been quite neglecting the website, not on purpose though. I have had to have two big surgeries that both had quite an impact on my stamina and mood overall. Besides that I have two [Continue reading..]

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New Site Design

January 20, 2021 Shann 0

Welcome to the new look! I have to admit, I think it looks stunning on the computer! Please feel free to leave a comment on what you think!

From the webmiss

March 15, 2020 Josan 0

Hello our fellow Brad admirers! Perhaps you noticed that the updates are few and far inbetween recently. This is because your webmiss was experiencing a difficult pregnancy. Our son Faaz was born february 29th and needed lots of immediate care [Continue reading..]

Simply Brad on social media

January 7, 2020 Shann 4

Hello!  I am so excited to be joining the Simply Brad team!  After deliberating we have decided to move into the social media world, and that is where I come in.  With the amount of time it takes to run [Continue reading..]

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Venice Film Festival

September 4, 2019 Josan 0

I know I am rather late with the latest updates, but eh real life happens. Anyways, as you can see I have been catching up with all the Brad goodies. Stay tuned! Here is a lovely video of Brad arriving [Continue reading..]