1. The better he became with age is awesome….so much hotter today than years ago….. and what a great guy he truly is!

  2. loved the shades Brad is simply rocking the red carpet , this is how it’s done people you know when a STAR has arrived .shame Angie couldnt be with him but i know she has work so i forgive her .

  3. Mary Anne I second your total post!
    tx Josie for great selection of pics :)
    did you guys read he said he gets itchy after 2 days. He misses his kids.I’m sure that remark included his girl.I am crushing on Andrew Dominik!! such a sharp mind.

  4. All I can say is “AAAAHHHH” ! Becuase I’m just speechless.
    I can’t wait for this movie! Beautiful man and I love the cast! Thank you for the great pictures!!

  5. I really don’t have words for this man. The mirrored glasses which show what he was looking at, the wind blown hair and wonky tie (it is obvious who helps him dress and she was not there to fix it–or un fix it depending upon the situation!!)

    He is large and truly in charge when he is around. But very generous with his cast mates as well. He could have pulled his rank, but stayed with the gang. With them all in shades, they looked like a well dressed gang. Loved the picture taking to share with the family no doubt. He is quite cute while being walking sex..great combination!!

    Thanks for the photos.

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