I’ve updated the sidebar of the main site by adding a Google search, it can be quick and easy to look for anything else related or unrelated to Brad on the web. Another good reason to make SimplyBrad.com your first site to go to :)
Also added a new partner link of my friend Kimber: Clooney Unlimited.com your greatest source for everything George Clooney.
And if you scroll all the way down, not only will you see links to the 4 network sites of SimplyBrad.com but also the newest promo picture of Brad as Lt. Aldo Raine for Inglourious Basterds, premiering at the Cannes Film Festival this month!
By buying any product in or thru the SB Store you immediatly support the website. Please check out the latest released products like Dallas (season 11) which features all four episodes Brad appeared in back in 1987. You can also pre-order your copy of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Please use the SB Store for all your Brad Pitt memorabilia :)