New Design

Helu my dear SB visitors. As you must have noticed: a brand new design by Tathy from Night & Day Designs. A stylish one and I absolutely love it.

All in honor of’s nearly 4 year anniversary. Gosh, has it already been 4 years.. Anyways, I thought it was about time SB looked special again instead of that boring white/blue thing it had going for the last few months.

Thanks to everyone that’s been helping me out behind the scenes in so many ways, getting pictures, news, videos, contributing some much needed money to help pay for the SB bills that flow in every once in a while. I still love working on the website and keeping everyone up to date on Brad and whatever he is up to. Here’s to another 4 years! Thanks everyone for your continued support and please let SB remain your main Brad Pitt source.

Jolie Pitt Foundation supports Pakistan

They’re between film shoots, but Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have kept busy.

First, it was the creation of the Jane Pitt Pediatric Cancer Center, named after Brad’s mother, in his hometown of Springfield, Mo. And Wednesday, in support of Jolie’s eight-year relationship with the UN Refugee Agency, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation gave $1 million to help displaced people in Pakistan, a country she has visited three times.

The head of the agency, António Guterres, thanked the foundation for its assistance, calling Pakistan’s plight “the most challenging humanitarian crisis of the past decade,” as more than 2 million people are currently displaced in the country. Read more.

Guy’s Choice Awards

The votes are in; now watch your favorite celebrity win Spike TV’s coveted Mantlers at the 2009 Guy’s Choice Awards on June 21st at 10:00 pm. The Guy’s Choice Awards is the only awards show where guys pick the winners; it’s “all that’s important to guys everywhere”. Some of today’s hottest celebrities will be there including Jason Stratham, Halle Berry, Rosario Dawson, Clint Eastwood, Mickey Rourke, Brad Pitt, Katy Perry, Quentin Tarantino, and Ben Stiller. This is a night you don’t want to miss.

In the meantime check out Guy’s Choice, for exclusive backstage coverage, photos, and video footage of the awards. Thanks Clare.