Billy Beane on Brad

From an interview with the real Billy Beane.

Billy Beane on Money Ball & Brad Pitt – I asked Billy if he was happy that the “Money Ball” movie got picked up by another production company. He said that it’s great that the movie is going to be made after all. I then asked him how he felt about someone like Brat Pitt to be playing his character. Billy laughing a little said that it would be much more exciting if he was 25 and single! He also said that Brad Pitt came over to visit his Danville home. Telling me that both his nanny who is a very casual dresser and wife got all made up when he came over. He thought it was very funny that his wife got up at 6am to get ready for Brad’s visit. I then asked if Angelina came with Brad and he said that unfortunately she didn’t. I bet if Angelina came over Billy would have been up at 6am getting ready! Lol

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A big thank you to Sue for helping out thru a very helpful donation.