New Candids

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie went shopping at a street cart in NY City a few days ago — proving that even the ultra-rich can’t pass up a good deal … especially when no one is looking.

Jolie and Pitt Support American Foster Children With Grant of $100,000 for Christmas to American SOS Children’s Villages

SOS Children’s Villages – USA today announced a gift of $100,000 from Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to support its two American SOS Children’s Villages for Christmas.

SOS-Florida and SOS-Illinois were founded over fifteen years ago to provide an alternative form of foster care in the U.S. that puts an end to multiple placements, separation from siblings, physical and sexual abuse or neglect and abandonment.

Ms. Jolie said of the donation, “We have seen first-hand the remarkable job SOS does to raise orphaned and abandoned children and keep families together. No one ‘ages out’ of an SOS Village: vocational training, advanced education, living assistance and moral support are there forever.

SOS Children’s Villages – USA CEO Heather Paul stated, “The Jolie-Pitt Foundation has been a strong and loyal supporter of SOS Children’s Villages around the world. We are deeply grateful that this year this couple has included in their generosity our villages in Illinois and Florida and our 300 children who call SOS ‘home.‘” Brad Pitt: “In this holiday season, many of us take for granted that we are surrounded by loving family members. The poor outcomes for foster children indicate that we must do a much better job of supporting them.

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Webmiss going away again..

Well my dear Brad fans and friends, the time has arrived that I am leaving for 2 months to venture off to Australia and New Zealand. I will depart December 24th and come home February 23rd, 2010. During that period will remain online and under the gentle care of: Kimber and Noe when it comes to the main site and the ‘behind the scenes’. Gracie and Sandra will take care of the Forum as their time allows it. From today until wednesday night I will be very busy with the preparations and so I am not gonna be around a lot. Which also explains that there haven’t been many picture updates lately, sorry about that.

So I am gonna take this opportunity to wish all the visitors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear. May it be filled with lots more Brad Pitt joy when it comes to our shared interest and your personal joy and happiness and health. See you all next year!