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Angie about Brad

November 24, 2011 Josan 5

Jolie says, despite settling down, she still has some of that edginess to her. “I’m still a bad girl,” she tells Simon. “I still have that side of me…it’s just in its place now…it belongs to Brad. Or…our adventures.” Simon [Continue reading..]

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New Candids

August 8, 2011 Josan 2

• x020 August 06 – At the theatre to see ‘wicked’ – London, UK.

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Sarajevo FF

July 31, 2011 Josan 2

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie was close to tears as she received a special award during an unannounced visit to Sarajevo’s film festival Saturday with partner Brad Pitt. “I will start crying if you don’t stop,” Oscar-awarded Jolie told the audience [Continue reading..]

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Brad and fam. arrives in Malta

June 12, 2011 Josan 2

Hollywood star Brad Pitt and his equally celebrated partner Angelina Jolie arrived in Malta on a private aircraft this afternoon (saturday). Labelled the sexiest stars in film history and attracting major global media attention, the couple who are accompanied by [Continue reading..]