Brad arrives @ Budapest

Brad and family arrived yesterday via private jet to Budapest. The final part of World War Z will be filmed at the city.


  1. The shooting will take a while longer.

    In the world-wide anti terror war, every country was forced to create an Anti-terrorist agency.

    So they were so bored and retarded in Hungary, that they ceased the weapons to be used in WWZ after they arrived from Britain. The crew had police permission, everything… The weapons were altered to not be able to fire real ammunition, but these retarded TEK(Anti terrorist unit) altered it back, so they can prove, that the weapons are dangerous. Now probably starts a long process in court.

  2. They are staying at the same villa as last year & razzi from all over the globe is INSANE.
    Brad went to the canning facrory on Sun to check out
    shoot & starts to work on Monday. Chop Chop.

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