A new clip from Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds aired last night during American Idol, but there was an extended clip that didn’t play because it was too hot for TV. This clip has showed up online and I added it to BP Media. Click the links below as I also made some screencaps. Brad looks great, which surprises me (cause of the stache). What do you all think after seeing this clip? Thanks Sandra and Gabriella!
• Extended clip (Video) (04-15-09).
• Extended clip (Caps) (04-15-09).
aww..was just kidding but tx.
hey..I like that stache. lol
Brad is Method, baby.
That wasn’t intentional Gabriella ;) I found the video thru my forum before I saw your email. But I’ll add you, thankoo!
Josan…you didn’t give me credit :(