Hello all, first of all a big thank you to Sue for her generous donation, this is so welcome! Thank you!

Some more pages were converted to the new website design. The whole Projects section is back up (which took a while). Also be sure to check out where you will find all the information about the website, including the network sites (that can also be found if you scroll down). The calendar (on your right) with upcoming events has also been updated.

If you’ve any questions/suggestions for the website’s content, please be sure to email me.


Columbia Pictures and director Steven Soderbergh have set Demetri Martin to star alongside Brad Pitt in “Moneyball,” the adaptation of the Michael Lewis book about ballplayer-turned-Oakland Athletics g.m. Billy Beane and his attempt to field a competitive team on a slim payroll.

Also joining the roster is a group of actual baseball players: former Oakland A’s team members David Justice and Scott Hatteberg have signed on to play themselves in the picture, while Daryl Strawberry and Lenny Dykstra are among those who will be seen on camera being interviewed about their experiences with Beane when he was a phenom drafted by the New York Mets before flaming out and becoming a baseball scout. Shooting begins in June.

Martin will play Paul De Podesta, a Harvard grad who turned down Wall Street jobs to use his statistical skills to change baseball scouting tactics. His system, known as “Earned Run Value,” allowed Beane to evaluate valuable players he could hire at low cost. Read more. Thanks Intothegrinder.