Moneyball heads to Phoenix

Brad Pitt’s new baseball movie is hitting Phoenix in the next day or two for a couple of days of filming.

Pitt plays a baseball executive in the film “Moneyball,” an adaptation of a best-selling book.

So will Pitt be here for the filming? Probably, says the film’s publicist, Spooky Stevens.

“Yes, but it’s not written in stone,” she said.

Stevens wasn’t willing to say much about what’s happening here. She said the production doesn’t disclose locations and wants to slip in and out of town quietly to keep down crowds that might slow their work. She said most of the shooting will take place in Los Angeles but the first two days are in Phoenix.

“Moneyball” is an adaptation of the book “Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game.” It chronicles Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s major league baseball team. The book portrays him as obsessed with unusual statistics that help find overlooked players who produce contending teams with a cheap payroll. Read more.

Not On Our Watch

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi spent her 64th birthday locked in prison Friday as global campaigns demanding her freedom erupted across Twitter, Facebook and other Web sites and at rallies worldwide.

Hollywood stars like Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts, celebrities Madonna and David Beckham, Nobel laureates and world leaders joined voices to call for the military government to release Suu Kyi, who has now spent 14 birthdays in detention.

Many posted online messages on social networking sites and videos on YouTube in what human rights groups called an unprecedented and enormously powerful tool to harness support for Suu Kyi and highlight her struggle.

Suu Kyi planned to mark the day by sharing food with her prison guards.

“Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will celebrate her birthday by treating the people around her to rice and chocolate cake,” said lawyer Nyan Win, who planned to bring her the food and birthday cards Friday. He said lawyers have informed her of the worldwide campaign. “Daw” is a term of respect in Myanmar. Read more. Thanks Gabriella.