Sony scraps Soderbergh’s ‘Moneyball’

Columbia Pictures has dropped the ball on “Moneyball,” the Steven Soderbergh-directed Brad Pitt-starrer that was supposed to begin production Monday in Phoenix. On Friday, Columbia Pictures topper Amy Pascal placed the picture into “limited turnaround,” giving the filmmaker the chance to set it up at another studio, with Warner Bros. and Paramount the prime targets.

The move came after Pascal read the final draft delivered last week by Steve Zaillian and Steven Soderbergh and found it very different from the earlier scripts she championed. Pascal was uncomfortable enough with how Steven Soderbergh’s vision had changed that she applied the brakes.

Soderbergh and Pitt’s CAA reps spent the weekend attempting to get another studio to play ball in a game that will play out until Monday. If a new financier doesn’t emerge by tomorrow, Columbia will re-examine options that include replacing Soderbergh (and hoping that Pitt doesn’t ankle), delaying the film until she and the filmmaker find themselves in synch on the script, or pulling the plug. Read more. Thanks Intothegrinder and Gabriella.

Brad for New Orleans Mayor

There are murmers afoot that the rightful heir to this illustrious lineage resides (sometimes) right here in New Orleans. Say it with me now: Mayor Brad Pitt.

Has a nice ring to it, no? And is it as far-fetched as it seems?

Well, probably yes.

It would be a stretch to call the Brad Pitt for Mayor campaign a “grassroots movement” or really an “organization” of any kind. It’s actually a couple of guys who had a conversation, printed up some T-shirts and unintentionally set the Butterfly Effect into motion.

The Butterfly Effect, of course, is a guiding principle of chaos theory that suggests the beating of a butterfly’s wings in Rio de Janiero could set off a series of random meteorological phenomena that could ultimately cause a tornado in, say, Nebraska.

Well, the butterfly in this case was Tulane art history professor Thomas Bayer. And what he set in motion was no meteoroligcal phenomenon but something much bigger, more uncontollable and even more random: Internet chatter.

Bayer recently posted a tongue-in-cheek list of 13 Reasons Brad Pitt Should be the Next Mayor of New Orleans. (“No.5: Publicity and photo opportunies will chase our Mayor instead of the Mayor chasing publicity and photo opportunities.”) Read more. Quite a funny article.