New Interview: Daily Telegraph

NO one could deny that Brad Pitt has a lot going on right now: dad to six children aged under eight, Hollywood heavyweight, environmental campaigner and partner to arguably the most beautiful woman in the world.

His life is a juggling act but Brad Pitt wouldn’t have it any other way.

It’s a wonder the star of Quentin Tarantino’s new film Inglourious Basterds has time to talk. But, in typical dashing form, find time he does.
“This is a very good time for me,” declared Pitt. “I am involved in the kinds of projects that intrigue me, I have the most beautiful family anyone could ask for, and it’s great fun to be able to be here and take in this kind of atmosphere.
“This is a very interesting time in my life. I feel my life is on track and I’m very happy and very lucky to be able to be in this position.”

His role in Inglourious Basterds is yet another departure for Pitt who seems to pride himself on playing vastly different roles from year to year.

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New Interview: Times Online

Brad Pitt: the man behind the soap opera
He’s gone from the Sexiest Man Alive to one half of the World’s Most Talked About Couple. Yet these days, with a gritty role in Inglourious Basterds and high-profile charity projects, Brad Pitt casts himself as the cultured philanthrope. But is it a role that suits him?

Brad Pitt is nursing a hangover. He rubs his bleary blue eyes, reaches for a jug of orange, and pours himself a tumbler, gulping it down in one go. There are a few lines around the eyes these days, and the snake-hipped young man with faded denims and a cowboy hat in Thelma & Louise is now a mature 45-year-old. But today, dressed in dark slacks and a blue shirt, and despite the sore head, he looks as ludicrously handsome as ever.

“Late night,” he admits before settling down in an armchair in the corner of a boutique hotel on the Riviera. “Now, I need coffee.”

The “late night” started with Pitt and his partner Angelina Jolie making what seems an annual pilgrimage to the red carpet at Cannes. Last year it was a protective Pitt shepherding a heavily pregnant Jolie (who two months later gave birth to twins Knox and Vivienne).

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Ask Brad a question

He’s Hollywood’s most famous father of six and partner to Angelina Jolie. Now Brad Pitt is leading a different sort of troop: a group of American Nazi hunters as Lt. Aldo Raine in the World War II-era, Quentin Tarantino-directed epic Inglourious Basterds. As the actor takes a moment to talk to PEOPLE, here’s your chance to ask him a question about his busy life—and all his loves: architecture, New Orleans and George Clooney. Send us a question, and you could see it featured in an upcoming issue of PEOPLE!

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