Clinton Global Initiative 2009

Pitt was presented with a plaque from the U.S. Green Building Council which said the actor and his foundation “Make It Right” had created the “largest and greenest single-family community in the world.”

“‘Make It Right’ has exceeded my expectations,” said Pitt who set up the foundation in 2007.

“Our criteria from the beginning were at odds, to say the least. We demanded that these homes be sustainable, that they have aesthetic qualities … that they be storm resilient and take safety in mind of the families who live there and that they would be affordable.”

“Make It Right” has created 13 homes in the New Orleans area the 9th Ward, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Read more/discuss.

• x05 Clinton Global Initiative – New York City, NY (09/24/09).

Clinton Global Initiative 2009

Brad will be attending the Clinton Global Initiative in NYC on Thursday, September 24th from 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM (eastern time). It’s a special session entitled: Infrastructure: Building a Better Future – A Progress Report on Making it Right in New Orleans. The session is supposed to The participants will be Brad, Tom Darden, Executive Director of MIR, and former president Bill Clinton.

This special session offers a progress report on this CGI commitment, demonstrating concretely how government, non-profits, and the private sector can work together to build safer, stronger, and more resilient communities while expanding economic opportunity. From one of the greatest disasters in American history, “Make it Right” is laying the groundwork for new prosperity and new beginnings on a foundation of affordable green housing. The discussion will include specific stories of the recovery in New Orleans, and launch a dialogue with CGI members on the future of green infrastructure and sustainable cities.

Read more/discuss. Thanks Elodie. Brad will probably appear live on the CGI webcast.