SOS Children’s Village

• x05 SOS Children’s Village – Amman, Jordan (10/01/09).

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were invited to make a special visit to the SOS Children’s Village in Amman, Jordan, by Her Majesty Queen Noor. While it was Brad Pitt’s first visit to an SOS Children’s Village, Angelina Jolie was glad to return.

Children and mothers of the SOS Children’s Village in Amman were overjoyed to receive the visit of a very special friend on 1 October: UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie had decided to drop by again, this time in the company of her partner, the actor Brad Pitt. While Ms. Jolie had already visited the village in 2003, committing to covering the running costs of one family house, it was the first time Mr. Pitt had ever been to an SOS Children’s Village.

Read more/discuss. thanks La_miga.

The Tree of Life: no Christmas release

Perhaps the most predictable news of the season comes today by way of Anne Thompson at indieWIRE. She reports that Terrence Malick’s heavily anticipated film “The Tree of Life” will not be ready for release this year:

Apparition had tentatively scheduled a December 25 release for River Road’s 50s period film, which stars Sean Penn and Brad Pitt. But Apparition chief Bob Berney says that a year-end opening was “wishful. It’s definitely not going to come out this year.” That’s because it won’t be finished in time. Berney still hasn’t seen the film.

Source/discuss. Thanks Raiderfan.