Robert Redford’s Restless Solitude

Redford says it in a perfect southern accent and then talks about lying on the family-room carpet with Billy Carter watching a tape of the Nixon–Kennedy debates in preparation for Jimmy’s debates with Gerald Ford. (Carter woke him at 6 the next morning and asked him if he wanted Cheerios.) But he quickly slips over to the flip side of fame and relates skiing with his son Jamie and Vice President Walter Mondale and how oppressive it was with all the Secret Service.

Then Redford sees a familiar face. A man with long, streaked blond hair and a cowboy squint walks toward him with a rollaway bag.

“Am I interrupting?”

Redford flashes his famous smile at Brad Pitt. “Depends what you have in mind.”

“Nothing good.”

The only clip in the Telluride highlights from a film Redford directed was of Pitt being dragged downriver with a trout on the line in the Redford-directed ‘A River Runs Through It.’

“I was just looking at you when you were younger, fresher, cleaner.”

Pitt grimaces. “Younger, more respectable, and I smelled better.”

They talk about the scene for a moment. Then a sweet thing happens. Both men get more than a little sentimental. Pitt clears his throat.

“I get a little choked up in that bit of ‘A River Runs Through It,'” he says.

“You were great,” Redford tells him.

“Yeah, I get a little choked up.”

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Brad Pitt says ’12 Years a Slave’ is ‘why I got into film in the first place’

For Pitt, making “12 Years” was the very definition of what movies are for. “It’s one of those few films that cuts to the base of our humanity,” he said.

But “12 Years” features some disturbing imagery, and as the actor explained, he’s not about to show it to his youngest children (he has six with Angelina Jolie). “Maybe my eldest I would, right now,” he said. “I’d rather for the others to get a little bit older and understand the dynamics of the world a little more.”

That kind of subtle understanding is a wisdom that has come with age, and — fans, brace yourself — Pitt is about to turn 50 in December.

“I haven’t minded a bit,” he said about approaching AARP age. “I have no complaints.”

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Full interview will be aired today.

Brad Pitt’s ‘Make it Right’ to Build $50K Storm-Resistant Home

Brad Pitt has teamed up with a team of architects to create a storm-resistant home in Queens.

The 49-year-old actor’s “Make it Right” charity will build a $50,000 house in the area, which was ravaged by Hurricane Sandy last October.

The house of choice, called Resilient House, was the winner in a design competition courtesy of the American Institute of Architects and Architecture for Humanity.

The house, designed by Toronto architects Sunstainable.TO, features a split roof that creates a row of windows to keep the house bright and warm year-round; it needs almost no heating or cooling.

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