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Pitt’s Surprise Holiday Visit

December 31, 2010 Josan 0

On Wednesday, just days after celebrating the holidays in Namibia, Africa, the couple made an impromptu stop at the St. John’s Jane Pitt Pediatric Cancer Center in Springfield, Mo., the town where Pitt grew up. “They called a little bit [Continue reading..]

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Angelina talks Brad

July 22, 2010 Josan 6

Yes, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt can work a red carpet like no other star couple. But at home with six kids all under the age of 9, the pair are content just to be Mom and Dad. “Brad’s an [Continue reading..]

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Megamind @ Comic-con

July 22, 2010 Josan 1

There will be a panel on Megamind today at the Comic-con (San Diego Convention Center) held in San Diego, CA. Brad has not been confirmed to attend. Angelina has been confirmed to attend to promote her movie, Salt. More official [Continue reading..]