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Moneyball update

May 2, 2009 Josan 0

Starting with “Ocean’s Eleven,” Brad Pitt and Steven Soderbergh made a trilogy of films about a group of savvy risk-takers who use their unconventional thinking to strike it rich. Pitt and Soderbergh’s next collaboration will also see them focusing on [Continue reading..]

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New scan

May 2, 2009 Josan 0

Added a scan of the Time 100 Most Influential (05/11/09) magazine, thanks to Kimber! In related news, the W photoshoot (one of the pictures is also used in the Time spread) by photographer Chuck Close, has been woven as an [Continue reading..]

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New Forum Design

May 1, 2009 Josan 1

It was time for a new unprofessional ;) design at the SB Forum made by yours truly. I personally think those on set Softbank pics look as good as a photoshoot! Enjoy.

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Brad’s Top 5

May 1, 2009 Josan 2

Brad participated in the infamous Top 5 of where he comments about a friend skater of his: Mike Carroll. It’s real funny, check it out. Big thanks to Waichi! • The Top 5 Things Mike Carroll says when he’s [Continue reading..]

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BP Media

April 29, 2009 Josan 0

There’s a wonderful new design up at BP Media! Made by one of my favorite designers: Kat from DK Designs. Thanks so much. And check the last uploaded. • Ocean’s 12 – Premieres/Pressconference (Thanks to Sue). • True Romance – [Continue reading..]