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The William A. Pitt Court

May 18, 2009 Josan 0

Drury University broke ground Friday on the O’Reilly Family Event Center and revealed that Springfield’s Pitt family has donated $600,000 to pay for the center’s Leadership in Environmental Energy and Design Gold certification. The 65,000-square-foot center will be the first [Continue reading..]

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Brad on the Today Show

May 18, 2009 Josan 1

The Today Show will have an interview with Brad live from Cannes, France on either tuesday (05/19) or wednesday (05/20) (or both). Brad is also scheduled to attend the Inglourious Basterds premiere on wednesday. Set your dvr’s! Thanks Gabriella. Calendar [Continue reading..]

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Tarantino reflects on ‘Basterds’

May 18, 2009 Josan 0

Quentin Tarantino is so high on the Cannes experience that he worked at a breakneck pace to shoot and edit the 165-page epic-sized WWII drama “Inglourious Basterds” in eight months. And when the writer-director bows his film on Wednesday, he [Continue reading..]

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May 16, 2009 Josan 3

A big thank you to Monique for her donation towards the website! All donations are used to maintain this large website, for content and hosting. Thank you very much :)

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Inglourious Basterds Website

May 16, 2009 Josan 0

The official website was updated with lots of goodies! Quotes, pictures, soundtrack and others. Be sure to check it out. • Official Website.

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Moneyball mention

May 14, 2009 Josan 0

From an interview with director Steven Soderbergh on Moneyball. CS: So I’d guess that “Moneyball” is more serious? Soderbergh: No, it’s gonna be funny. I think it’s gonna be dramatic, but I think it’s gonna be funnier than people expect. [Continue reading..]

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Old Candids

May 14, 2009 Josan 0

• Flying lesson – Santa Monica, CA (01/04/06). • Airport – Port-au-Prince, Haiti (01/12/06). • Airport – Fort Lauderdale, FL (01/15/06). • Flying Lesson – Santa Monica, CA (01/18/06).

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Old Candids

May 11, 2009 Josan 0

• Anguilla, Virgin Islands (01/02/05). • Narita Int. Airport – Narita, Japan (01/12/05). • Los Angeles, CA (01/21/05). • Beverly Hills, CA (12/13/05).

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New scans

May 11, 2009 Josan 0

• Entertainment Weekly (05/08/09) (thanks to Kimber). • NY Times (02/02/09).