Category: Wolfs

‘Wolfs 2’ Starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt Canceled at Apple

“Wolfs 2,” the sequel to the action comedy from “Spider-Man: No Way Home” director Jon Watts that starred Brad Pitt and George Clooney, is canceled, according to the director.

While doing the junket circuit to promote his Disney+ “Star Wars” series “Skeleton Crew,” the filmmaker told Collider, “I don’t know what I’m directing next, and I don’t think there’s going to be a ‘Wolfs’ sequel.”

Reps for Apple TV+ did not respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.

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Austin Abrams on Wolfs and Hearing Brad Pitt Sing “Happy Birthday”

Excerpt from an interview with Austin Abrams.

When I Zoom with Abrams—who also stars on Euphoria as the kindhearted, surely Broadway-bound Ethan—I inform him of this fact. He’s clearly uncomfortable with stealing any sort of praise from Mr. Pitt and Mr. Clooney, so I ask what it was like to spend his 28th birthday at the Venice Film Festival’s Wolfs screening.

“So the movie played late—we got done after midnight, which was my birthday,” he says. “We were up on a roof, and Brad started singing ‘Happy Birthday.’ And then everyone’s singing ‘Happy Birthday.’ Then we went to this after-party, where they brought out a cake and did it again. It was a super-sweet, really surreal experience.”

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How Wolfs director staged a Brad Pitt, George Clooney movie reunion

Jon Watts is trading in spiders for animals of a different kind.

The director of the Tom Holland-led Spider-Man trilogy wrote and directed the action-comedy Wolfs (in select theaters Sep. 20; on Apple TV+ Sep. 27), about two fixers — played by George Clooney and Brad Pitt — who are brought in to help clean up a big crime involving Margaret (Amy Ryan), a New York D.A., late one night. The problem is, they don’t work with each other, nor did they expect the other to be there, but circumstances now dictate that these two lone wolves work together, like it or not, to get the job done.

The story plays out over the course of one night — one very cold winter night in NYC. “That was so stupid of me,” Watts tells Entertainment Weekly, laughing about the predicament he created. “I wrote the movie, I could have written it anywhere. I could have written it at any time of year. I chose New York at night.”

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• x005 Wolfs – Movie Stills.