Make It Right

Global Television presents a two-hour, two-night special airing Tuesday, April 7 at 9pm ET/PT and Wednesday, April 8 at 9pm ET/PT – HGTV presents a six-hour, six-week series Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT beginning April 9 – Special appearance by Make It Right New Orleans founder Brad Pitt. Read more. Thanks Gabriella.

So, we have Brad Pitt and Mike Holmes in the same room. We understand the majority of females witnessing this scene probably would be more interested in Mr. Pitt. He is a famous, hunky Hollywood actor, after all. But we’re betting a lot of males would be far more interested in Mr. Holmes, who is known for his trademark overalls and his ability to save homeowners from renovation nightmares. Man-crushes all around! And truth be told, we know plenty of handy, hammer-swinging females who are infatuated with Mike Holmes, too. The notion of having Pitt and Holmes in the same room is not just a notion, by the way. It actually occurs in the two-part special Holmes in New Orleans, which airs on consecutive nights, Tuesday and Wednesday, on Global. Read more. Thanks Gabriella.

BP Media

I finally re-added the second part of Brad’s ‘Shameless Act of Self Promotion’ on the Leno Show (01). Thanks to several of you that told me about the error, sorry that you’d wait a while for this one.

And another little treat: a very old interview, well, a couple of segments of an interview that I think was taken in 1988 at the latest. Brad without any interview experience lol. Broadcasted (05). I’ve added the video and also made some screencaps. Click the links below and let me know what you think.

BBC 3: Old Interview (caps).
BBC 3: Old Interview (video).


Upstairs, Jeremy Irons was upbeat about the play’s future. “We’re here ‘til July,” he said, optimistically. And then? In the fall he and some buddies — including Lawrence Fishburne and Brad Pitt — may motorcycle through the desert in Abu Dhabi. Source. Thanks Intothegrinder.

BP Press

Added a great new interview Brad did over the phone with Italian Men Style magazine. Brad talks about Inglourious Basterds, Berlin’s kitchen and the upcoming ‘Artifacts’ movie he will be doing with Natalie Portman. Huge thanks to Gracie who translated this new Italian interview from Men for BP Press.