Yep, the website is undergoing a major transformation for many reasons. But it’s all for the positive and everything will be back to ‘normal’ as soon as I can type. So please be patient :)

UPDATE: Several subsections are back online. You can scroll over the menu on the top right above the picture of Brad (which is a photoshoot from 2005 that I will add soon). If you scroll all the way down you will see preview pictures of the four network sites of This is the new look of SB. I hope you will like it, I know it doesn’t have some fancy designer look but you will have to understand that those ‘looks’ cost money and a lot of time to maintain and change every time we’d want a new look. This will be easier and I won’t have to depend on other people, and it won’t cost money. So I hope you will all like it :)

I received a very generous and helpful donation thanks to Sandra! Thank you very much for supporting the website, this donation will help me a lot with the current bills, thank you!

Battling Boy

Brad Pitt’s production company picked up rights to the forthcoming graphic novel written and illustrated by Paul Pope in November. The story line follows the son of a god who comes down from the top of a mountain at his father’s urging to rid the giant, continent-sized city of Monstropolis of a plague of beasts. First Second Books will publish the comic in the spring. Paramount execs Eben Davidson and Andrew Calof are overseeing Tse’s adaptation for the studio. Tse, who is repped by CAA and Brillstein Entertainment, co-wrote the recent adaptation of “Watchmen,” which Paramount distributed internationally. The film has grossed $177 million worldwide. Read more.