Inglourious Basterds

A new clip from Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds aired last night during American Idol, but there was an extended clip that didn’t play because it was too hot for TV. This clip has showed up online and I added it to BP Media. Click the links below as I also made some screencaps. Brad looks great, which surprises me (cause of the stache). What do you all think after seeing this clip? Thanks Sandra and Gabriella!

Extended clip (Video) (04-15-09).
Extended clip (Caps) (04-15-09).

Eat, Pray, Love

Richard Jenkins has signed to star opposite Julia Roberts in “Eat, Pray, Love” for Columbia Pictures. Film, which will be helmed by Ryan Murphy, had been set up at Paramount Pictures but was put in turnaround earlier this year. Based on the international bestseller by Elizabeth Gilbert, story centers on a married woman who embarks on a journey of self-discovery after trying to get pregnant and realizing that she’s not living the life she wants. Murphy adapted the screenplay. Jenkins will play a Texan whom Roberts’ character befriends at an Indian ashram. Brad Pitt and Dede Gardner are producing through their Plan B shingle. Lensing begins in July and will take place in New York, Rome, India and Bali. Source. Thanks Sandra.

BP Media

Added a compilation of Holmes in New Orleans. A program featuring Brad being interviewed about Make It Right and Holmes’ participation in the project. It follows Mr Holmes and his team as they build a home for one of the New Orleans families. Thanks Gabriella.

Also a video of Brad on the set of The Mexican talking about his costar Julia Roberts. Pressjunket for Interview with the Vampire, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Holmes in New Orleans (04-09-09).
The Mexican – Interview (00).
Interview with the Vampire – Pressjunkets (94).
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – TV (12-08-08).