Author: Josan


Upstairs, Jeremy Irons was upbeat about the play’s future. “We’re here ‘til July,” he said, optimistically. And then? In the fall he and some buddies — including Lawrence Fishburne and Brad Pitt — may motorcycle through the desert in Abu Dhabi. Source. Thanks Intothegrinder.

BP Press

Added a great new interview Brad did over the phone with Italian Men Style magazine. Brad talks about Inglourious Basterds, Berlin’s kitchen and the upcoming ‘Artifacts’ movie he will be doing with Natalie Portman. Huge thanks to Gracie who translated this new Italian interview from Men for BP Press.

Old scans

Started scanning one of the greatest Brad books I own, the one published in 1997 by US Magazine called Brad Pitt. It features several photoshoots from Mexico, New Orleans etc. One of my favorites. It’s also available in the SB Store, it won’t disappoint. Click the link below.

Brad Pitt: by the editors of US Magazine.