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Oh and Thank You!

The last few months I have been quite neglecting the website, not on purpose though. I have had to have two big surgeries that both had quite an impact on my stamina and mood overall. Besides that I have two young boys in the age of 1,5 and 3,5 years old and somehow made promotion at my work amidst this all. This caused me to put SB on a pause. Thanks to my dear friend Shann, who is mainly focused on our social media (Instagram and Twitter: links above post), SB stayed up to date. I am so thankful for her friendship, commitment, mutual admiration for Brad and craziness.

However, I am very aware that a lot needs to be added and while I am in recovery at the moment from my latest surgery, I have already worked through our email account and will now slowly add all the news and pictures like you are used to.

Some time ago I asked you all that if you could help with our website bills and some of you donated graciously!

A big, big thank you to Monaki53 (twice!), Shann, Laura and Beth for their donations. It is overwhelming to realise that people actually want to contribute to the funding of my website. It is so needed and helpful, THANK YOU!

If you could spare a few bucks… then please donate. All donations are welcome and of course not obligated. It would make life a lil easier on the webmiss however. All donations go straight into Thank you!

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