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If I forgot to credit you for your contributions then I am truly sorry, please email me to let me know! I want to give credit where it is due!

Without these truly amazing friends this site wouldn’t have been blessed with such (in my opinion) amazingly beautiful designs in the past/beginning of! Huge thanks goes out to Shann, Jen, Carole and DestinySolo!

BP Gallery
Adena, Alison, Ariya, BC, Bole, Carole, Ben, Dorothy, Felicia, Glenette, Gracie, Isolde, Isabella, Intothegrinder, Jazi, Jana, Jen, Jennifer, Kamia, Kika, Kristy, Laila, La_miga, Marc, Marie Dominique, Mark, Monica, Mork, Pascalle (RIP), Pauline, Sandra, Shadia, Shann, SoulPower, Tom, Vaska, Viena, Yelena, Yukko and Zara.

BP Press
Gracie, Intothegrinder, Kirsty, Louisvictim, Maeva, Margaret, Maja, Marie Dominique, Mendee, Rachel, Roumbini and SoulPower.

BP Media
Angelah, Beebee, Isolde, Kristy, La_miga, Kamia, Maria, Sue and Yelena.

Paypal Donation
A very huge thank you to Leslie for her more than generous donations! Also a big thanks to Sue, Chris, Gabriella, Sandra, Gemma, Fan, Norma, Shann and Monique!

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