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Primetime Live – June 07, 2005

Sawyer: A journey to Africa, joyful, powerful, emotional. A mission to turn
poverty into possibility. Get back home, the blinding glare of the flashbulbs is waiting. All the questions about his marriage, his new movie and his new co-star. Brad Pitt: the journey from this life to these lives and the promise he says he must keep.

Sawyer: Good evening, and welcome to this special primetime. Tonight, BRAD
PITT. You probably can’t find anyone who hasn’t heard that he has had a quite year: The end of his marriage, the new movie, and a new co-star. And we’ll have more on that in the course of the hour. But if you’re wondering what any of this has to do with Africa, well, Pitt said if he’s going to go public, he also wants to talk about something close to his heart. The people who live in poverty in Africa, and the stories that have changed his life. By now, it’s in the news, the next month; the eight leaders of the richest countries on earth are going to decide whether to fund a bold new plan for Africa. And supporters argue it’s a unique moment of opportunity to do what the US did for Europe after World War II. Education, healthcares, self-reliance and building democracy along the way. I’ve been reporting on the problems in Africa for two decades but tonight, Brad Pitt will take us on a journey from his life in Hollywood to a world an ocean beyond.

Pitt: Although we may be created equally, we certainly have born equal. I think it’s ambitious and I think it can be done. We have the potential to end poverty in our time. We can be that generation. We could be living in that era. Man! What is more exciting than that? The potential is there. We gotta go for it!

Sawyer: Brad Pitt, a giant star in a country where people can have so much,
relying support for children, and a world away, children who dream of getting a single schoolbook or piece of bread, or a chance. He’s asking others to join him in a nation wide movement called the One Campaign. Its purpose: convince Americans there are solutions, ways to end poverty in Africa. And possibly, the campaign has united Hollywood’s liberals and Christian conservatives.

Sawyer: Hath Robertson.

Pitt: Yeah, it’s fantastic.

Sawyer: Isn’t it?

Pitt: Yeah. Aren’t we tired of these dividing lines of separators?

Sawyer: What are his common denominators?

Pitt: Common denominator? Something can be done. In ten years, we could have extreme poverty. We could cut it in half. In twenty years, we could end it.

Sawyer: And what was it you saw that you could do?

Pitt: I guess, shine some light on this. I can’t get out of the press. These people can’t get in the press. So let’s redirect the intention a little bit.

Sawyer: Why should we listen to celebrities?

Pitt: I don’t know we should. I’m very uncomfortable with this.
I’m not comfortable even sitting here today and I’m sweating like a pig. I don’t believe people should listen to me. I’m hoping the images will speak for themselves.

Sawyer: So we sat out together first to Ethiopia. One of the poorest nations in the world. It’s Pitt’s second trip there. They are waiting for him. The minute he starts walking down the street, the children gather with excitement. Why are they so excited? These kids have no idea who Brad Pitt is. When I asked them, they say he’s someone who’s come to help the children. He told them his name is Dabao.

Pitt: Last time I was here, I told them my name was Brad and they kept thinking I was saying bread and dabao is bread.

Sawyer: It is a part of the world where people are trying to survive on less money per day than Americans spend on a morning cup of coffee. There’s a ram pet infection, open ditches full of sewege but the One Campaign says education can change all this and we don’t know it, the kids who live here sure do.

Pitt: We don’t understand not being able to put our children in school. They are trying to get out of school.

Sawyer: Just give them a shot at school; they’ll supply the all American dreams.

Sawyer: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Child: a pilot
Child 2: a doctor
Child 3 a pilot
Child 4: a manager

Pitt: We are so fortunate that we are born in a particular launch student latitude that we come from and we have no idea and we got to be careful because with that kinda comes a fernace of superiority.

Sawyer: That is deserving your luck?

Pitt: Yeah, that we are somehow better in someway yet, if we were born here, we will be suffering the same situation.
Hi, sweetheart! Hi, honey! And a…

Sawyer: She’s our most faithful companion.
The One Campaign says that here’s something the wealthy nations can absolutely make happen. In Ethiopia, you get a child to school for a year in a cost of one American CD.

Pitt: It was 22 million gross we don’t have an education, don’t
have again, opportunity.

Sawyer: And yet, a cost of sending a child to school is?

Pitt: Sixteen dollars.

Sawyer: for?

Pitt: A year. That’s tuition, uniform and books. Which could make our
break… their lives.

Sawyer: Right away, Pitt wants to check back in on two girls he met on his
first trip five months ago. They are orphans. Both of their parents died of
AIDS. They live alone. Hannah, 13, Mintemier, age 11.

Pitt: So good to see you.

Sawyer: A room with a fire for cooking their soul nutrition is bread.
Look! How beautiful! Thank You.
In our honor, some of the neighbors help bake a big bread with pepper.

Pitt: It’s beautiful.

Sawyer: Mintemier says she wants to be an engineer. Hannah, a doctor. Her favorite

Hannah: Biology.

Sawyer: A relief organization has given the two girls the $16 they need for
school. And no matter how much her stomach is growling, how little light her
concrete had, Hannah studies as if her life depends on it.

Woman: During the night, up to 2 o’clock in the morning.

Pitt: You’re going to make a good doctor!

[Hannah coughs]

Sawyer: Then we hear a cough. Mintemier’s face says it all. Something
is wrong with Hannah.

Woman: That’s a, you know, she has a coughing, fever sometimes. She has
diarrhea sometimes. Even so, she is very strict in her education.
Sawyer: Coughing, diarrhea, Hannah’s dead parents, they have given her
AIDS. These two girls are lucky. They have a champion.

He’s your friend?

Translator: He’s our father, she said. We love him as our father.

Pitt: Aw. I love you both!
Yeah. Hannah and Mintemier , they haunt me in beautiful way.

Sawyer: It is time to go.
[to Brad] Whatever the fact that you make lot of money, how do you sit in a
room at night and decide what you are going to do personally?

Pitt: Certainly. There’s personal connection. You want to make your responsibility.

Sawyer: Keeping those private?

Pitt: Yeah, of course.

Sawyer: And even Brad Pitt’s money can only do so much, there are 12
million other orphans that need help too. A group of them sit with us at the
Save The Children center. Their aunt has no one. They are running out of money for school. And this year, Wingalowet has managed to stay at top of her class but starts sobbing in fear. The next year, there won’t be money for her anymore. And when we head out back on the street…

Sawyer: I have an idea. If you sing a song for us, he will (Brad) sing a song for you!

Pitt: Ah! That’s a great idea.

Sawyer: And what do the neediest children in the world sing about? How great it is to learn things if you get to go to school.


Sawyer: A lot of people have assumed that Brad Pitt became involved in Africa because of his new relationship; in fact he says his interest began long ago, watching first what Oprah did and that night at home when he and Jennifer Aniston gave a dinner for Bono. The Nobel nominated singer trendsetter of U2, who talked about the possibility that a relatively small amount of money from the rich nations of the world could simply change history.

Sawyer: I asked Bono about you. And here’s what he said: “Brad
Pitt is an extraordinary man. He is this, you know, gigantic movie star but
he is very modest. And he just said: Is there anything I can do…

Pitt: It’s not just me! Listen, we who born in America, have to understand. We hit the lottery by growing up here, by being born here.

Bono: You feel in America Midwest where he is from. You feel a sense that America wants something for its generation to be remembered.

Pitt: I grew up in Southern Missouri.

Sawyer: Subdivision? Or?

Pitt: Subdivision. Yeah.

Sawyer: Church?

Pitt: Lot of churches. More churches then Seven Elevens, which is interesting to me. We have lots of Seven Elevens. Do I need to go on? [laughs] Do you want more?

Sawyer: Yeah! What kind of little boy were you? Trouble maker?

Pitt: I certainly… It’s funny… I remember in sixth grade
I was class president, yet I got sent to the principal’s office one morning.

Sawyer: Tortured teen?

Pitt: I’m just by my own making… no… I had a… very
good. My only thing was I wanted more and I wanted to see more. You know, I
hadn’t been on an airplane until I was 25. I’ve been more in West Colorado.

Bono: Brad said, “I’d love to go to Africa. I wanna check it out for myself. Again, people say things to you that they don’t follow through. Let’s show the world what we are made of. This is America.”

Sawyer: America, with all its bountiful choices, there are more than 250 varieties of fancy bottle of water here. About 300 million people in Africa, have no clean water to drink at all. And at the pharmacy near ABC news, we count 27 different kinds of cough syrup alone. All mother in Africa, can’t get a hold of one spoon full of medicine to help her sick child.

Pitt: The frustrating thing, the real frustrating thing… [turns to a
child] HELLO! Hello?!
The real frustrating thing is that we have these drugs; these are drugs that
we could go down to our pharmacy and get. There’s no reason for these
people dying like this. There’s just no reason.

Sawyer: And again, the One Campaign argues how quickly a little help can change all this. Pitt also visits South Africa, where last year the Bush Administration started sending money for drugs to treat aids. 6 million African need them, 200 thousand have now received them. But every statistic has a smile. Chas was so sick with AIDS. Now thanks to the drugs, everything is different.

Pitt: [to Chas] Do you play any sports?

Chas: Yes.

Pitt: What do you like?

Chas: Soccer.

Pitt: Yeah, everyone likes the soccer.

Sawyer: Angel has American medicine too.

Boy: Before taking my medications, I thought I was going to die without satisfying my dreams.

Sawyer: And also a very American pass time.

Boy: And after watching “Days of Our Lives”, I take my medication at 6 pm.

Pitt: [laughs] All right! Fantastic!

Sawyer: And by the way, giving the medicines, Africans take them religiously.

Pitt: The greatest success you have?

Man: Almost a 100%.

Pitt: Almost a 100%?

Sawyer: But only 70% of Americans who get them do.

Drummond: The degree to wish a small amount in Africa can save millions and
millions of lives. Something a stager an uphold.

Sawyer: Jamie Dramatics, an executive director of Bono’s campaign tried to get nations to give a little bit more.
Americans will say to you, “We have lot of problems at home. There is
a case to be made that we should take care of what’s happening at home
first. There is hunger here in United States and there’s certainly need…”?

Drummond: There’s extreme need in America, but I think you have seen
it yourself. The need in Africa is on the different scale.

Sawyer: Back in Ethiopia, we wined through the stench; the sewege tore to dark shack. Pitt is going back to revisit a woman who’s still standing, left her five months ago. No longer, she has AIDS and now TB. Her daughter Halina, may soon be one of those orphans.

Pitt: [kisses] So good to see you again!
Hi, Haline! So nice to see you again! Thank you! Thank you very much!

Sawyer: Halina says if she could get a little bit of money, even $5, she’d buy herself a schoolbook and help her mom.

Halina: Doctor

Pitt: You want to be a doctor? YES!

Sawyer: The rain starts pounding down on the tin roof.
Tell me, what will you have dinner for tonight?

Halina: Injara.

Sawyer: Dinner in a tiny house would be a few strips of old bread.

Pitt: I’m always amazed at ability we humans have to adapt or acclimate through a certain situation. I would sit down and have a dinner and ……. I’m gonna eat and have a laugh with whoever I’m with and uh, then go to another room where there are comfortable bed and comfortable sheets then wake up in the morning and decide what I’m going to do and I try to picture what are the evening like there. I can’t ……

Sawyer: And again, Brad Pitt can reach out to Halina and a community group
is trying to help. But the One Campaign says think of the differences: the countries who have drugs to spare would also offer more of a helping hand. Outside, some more American style handshakes are constantly growing to band a few friends. Then later at a hospital, different kind of handshake. For babies, too many of them for the nurses to comfort or hold.

Pitt: [to a baby] Hi!
When you’d be walking down the aisles and you feel something grab your
hand and when you look down, it’s a little ones like four to five and
you see the power of contact and I remember one boy, specifically, laying in
his crib and I just put my hand on his chest and [sighs] this way of a bliss came over his face and the power in that, the power in just a human touch… broke my heart.

Sawyer: Another one of those comparisons: a cost of just one sandwich and soda in America, could fund six months of medicine to cure a child of TB. Still ahead tonight, we’ll have more on what works in Africa and more on Brad Pitt’s personal year ahead.

[Brad singing and dancing with students]

Sawyer: The dancing you did!

Pitt: I’m a hell of a dancer. I’m a hell of a dancer. You probably didn’t know this about me.

Sawyer: I think you left a trail of people saying, “Who was that big
footed guy?”

Pitt: I wanted to go the interoperate to dance her out. To tell story through dance. I still see it as possible outlet for me, for my heart and I’m still sitting on that one, right now.

Sawyer: I think you need to lay a tart.

Pitt: I really don’t need to lay a tart.

Sawyer: And in fact, Pitt hasn’t needed much of anything since 1991 size mick day view on Thelma & Louise. His films have been alternately unconventional, risky, full proof. His latest, Mr. and Mrs. Smith opens Friday. More on that later. But it’s such a strange convergence: his movie career, his mission over seas and a melt down, here at home about the end of his marriage to one of the most beloved and beautiful woman in the country, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. He came back from Africa to the media frenzying and a public cry out say it isn’t so.

Sawyer: Your Google is up to now 2.7 million entries.

Pitt: [shakes head] I… I don’t even know how to respond to that. It’s a strange focus, isn’t it? That my relationships or relationship mishaps or takes president over or something like that… I… I, listen, I understand it’s about entertainment but man, it’s a bit misguided, isn’t it?

Sawyer: Ok, Let me give it a try.

Pitt: OK. We are going to talk about me?

Sawyer: YEAH!

Pitt: ay…

Sawyer: Why did your marriage end?

Pitt: Yeah, I’m going to talk about it here. [laughs] I don’t see my time, certainly my marriage as any kind of failure. It was an extraordinary time.

Sawyer: You quoted someone saying, “Things just take different shapes
and it doesn’t mean that there’s no shape.”

Pitt: Yeah! It doesn’t mean you lose a love, it’s just that sometimes, love changes shape.

Sawyer: Reported everywhere that you wanted babies and she did not.

Pitt: Ridiculous. [coughs]

Sawyer: A pretend cough masking an expletive.

Pitt: Completely fabricated. You know what you find with these stories is that usually will turn one of us into the good guy and one of us into the bad guy, if you look at it, closely. Or even not that closely and it’s ridiculous. Most of these stories, probably 2% real fruit juice and the rest is just garbage with no nutricial value.

Sawyer: You said, “We talked about everything. We really did. We put
it on the table. We didn’t hide who we were or what we wanted in any way.”

Pitt: That’s true. That was… That’s always been the basis
of Jen and I and it’s where we were made.

Sawyer: And that’s how he says he and Aniston decided together to move on in their lives.

Pitt: As far as I know, we get one shot at this thing. We get one time around and it better be everything you wanted it to be. I mean, it’s up to you to make that and that’s it! That’s it! I actually think it was a really brave, conscious, conscientious decision on our part. I mean, we’ll see.

Sawyer: And we remember some things they had said in interviews even years
ago: Aniston, February 2003, “Is he the love of my life? I think you’re always sort of wondering…” and Pitt in 2004, “Neither of us wants to be the spokesman for happy marriage, for coupledom…”
Is there…do you want to say about her right now, giving everything you
have been through, something about who she is?”

Pitt: Not anything more than I have always said about her. She is still this same extraordinary person.

Sawyer: Stay in touch?

Pitt: Yeah, I mean it’s difficult now as we determine what the next juncture is but, yeah, always. I predict.

Sawyer: Have there been any laughs in it at all? I think of the Saturday Night Live people saying.

[Saturday Night Live] If these two are tired of having sex with each other,
what hope is there for the rest of us?

Sawyer: The rest of us are just doom. Let’s just forget it and go home.

Pitt: Yeah, we had some laughs, of course.

Sawyer: You did say, also…

Pitt: Damn it!

Sawyer: You said that you’ve got a call from your mother saying, “I’m
disappointed in you, I’m angry in you, but whatever you do, I’ll
always love you. All my bitches are mad at me right now.”

[both laughs]

Pitt: What am I supposed to say?

Sawyer: Have they forgiven you?

Pitt: [laughs] I love these women very much. [sniffs] Listen, everything, you know, has a cost, every decision is made on every choice on life and again, I make my choices and I live with those. I like that, I like that. My mistakes are my mistakes, my wins are my wins and that, I can live with.

Sawyer: I asked you a question long ago, 1997? Do you believe in happy endings?

[1997] Sawyer: Still believe in happy endings?
Pitt: Yeah, absolutely.

Still believe in happy endings?

Pitt: Did I say yes at that time?

Sawyer: You did. “Absolutely yes”, not just yes.

Pitt: No, I don’t believe in happiness as a concept so… [laughs] I believe more in peaceful endings. Yeah…

Male Voice: Coming up later, a private stunt man acting lesson from one of
the world’s biggest stars. When Primetime returns.

Sawyer: Walk out on the streets of America and ask people how much of the US budget goes to for an aid to help less wealthy countries, they give you a blank look or they say, it’s huge.

Pitt: We’ve got answers like 10%, 15% and 10% is the tied and that’s represented in the book. I mean, in the bible. The good book, shall I say and couldn’t be, not even close. We don’t even give 1%.

Sawyer: The correct figure is less than 1 %, which makes the US government
one of the least generous nations in the developed world.

Pitt: We could really do more. We are the richest country in the world. We
could do better than that.

Sawyer: The One Campaign says they weren’t talking about handouts. We
travel to the countryside in Ethiopia to check on an innovated program with
a dreary name, Micro credits. In fact, these are tiny loans that create big
explosions of change.

Pitt: This is where they found that the successory has been 95 and above percentile as far as payback because they crease each other.

Sawyer: Here’s how it works: A community recommends a person to receive a loan and then guarantees repayment all of them together. This man got three loans of a few hundred dollars to fertilize his fields. Now, he’s able to pay back the loan and feed his family.

Pitt: They want it, they are capable, and they are hardy. They want this.

Sawyer: This man, Atila, who got two small loans to make handy crafts now have a child at university.

Pitt: Is that right? Congratulations.

Sawyer: How does it pay off specifically for America, politically?

Drummond: It’s also stability and security in a very fragile vulnerable part of the world. You have half and half Christian, Enemas and Muslim populations and the potential for things to go wrong is great.

Sawyer: But Drummond says the loans, the drugs, the food given by America can give this country a golden name.

Man: I love America because most of our people are in a poverty situation so America is fostering us, helping us, so I like America.

Pitt: [to a boy] What do you wake up thinking about?

Boy: Food.

Pitt: Yeah? What’s your favorite food?

Boy: I think it’s cereal.

Pitt: Yeah? What kind of cereal?

Boy: Kellogg’s.

Sawyer: This is Cicigo, who now loves America.

Cicigo: I have been drawing.

Pitt: You have been drawing more? Focusing on drawing?

Cicigo: Yes. So, can I ask you? In Ocean’s 11, how do you feel like acting with those people?

Pitt: Well, you know, they are really funny guys. They are my friends.

Sawyer: He learned about America because he received aids drugs through President Bush’s program. And thanks to people like Oprah, for money sent to his school. And even less can get the attention of an orphan. These, and save the children talk about their favorite possessions.

Man: A ball, Plastic balls.

Sawyer: This little girl says she is jealous of kinds who have parents to buy shoes. This child has to sell coal to live. And they all know they are just a donation away from ending up in the streets.
As night descends, some of those who did not get help emerge, a legion of prostitutes who started at age 12, 13, 14. They walk through town calling out bed for rent. A good night, covering in a total of $2.50.

Sawyer: When you heard the prostitutes talk about $2.50 in a good night?

Pitt: Yeah. Was it with or without a contraceptive?

Sawyer: What happens when you say, “No, I want a condom?”

Sawyer: The woman said that the men get violent.

Translator Man: She said, “I lost all my hope when I found myself engaging in commercial sex.”

Pitt: What would bring that hope back to her?

Translator Man: She says, “I want to open a shop and have an income.”

Pitt: They really look up to us as a fantasyland where you can do anything
you want, where opportunities just drip from the trees and there’s some truth to that. There’s a real truth to that. Then they look for us to help.

Sawyer: The African kids who saw Brad Pitt on his first trip have sense figured out that the tall American is some kind of actor.

Man to Pitt: What is your act as they say. What do you act?

Pitt: Well, it’s questionable. [laughs] Mainly in films. I’ve been doing some comedies lately.

Sawyer: So they are eager to ask about some big movie stars.

Boy: Keanu Reeves.

Pitt: You like Keanu? Yeah. He’s really good. What is your favorite movie?

Boy: Bruce Lee.

Pitt: Bruce Lee? Yeah, he’s good.
Ok, the camera is there, right behind me. Are you ready?

Sawyer: This is Carabo who says he knows what he wants to be when he grows up. A stunt man.

Pitt: You still want to be a stunt man?

Carabo: Yeah.

Pitt: Ok.

Sawyer: So fast forward from Carabo in South Africa to Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
It is Pitt’s 39th movie. An ironic and very funny dissection of the tiny torments in a marriage played out as war. For instants, her oven is just a decoy for her knives. Since they are both secretly assassins, and rekindling the flame after discovering they have been assigned to kill each other.

Pitt: It was really funny idea. It was really funny idea, man.

Sawyer: What was it that you like the best?

Pitt: It’s just a husband and wife who want to kill each other. It’s great fun.

Sawyer: So, how are you with guns?

Pitt: I’m good with guns. I grew up with guns, so.

Sawyer: Because Angelina said it was a constant competition.

Pitt: She’s a good shot. She’s a really good shot.

Sawyer: Which was harder: using the guns and filming the action sequence of the dance?

Pitt: Well, we have established I am a dancer, so I’m gonna go with guns.

Sawyer: Well, the director of the movie said, a first, even their dancing was a duel. With both taking charge.
[to Brad] You were both leading the first time.
[Brad laughs]
Originally the movie was going to star Nicole Kidman and when she pulled out, Jolie stepped in. She and Pitt working together for the first time.
[to Brad] When you first met her, what were you expecting? The tattoos? or the blood in the vile?

Brad Pitt: No.

Sawyer: He won’t comment but describes as not what the publicity leads us to think.

Brad Pitt: No, well, I have a great respect for her. She is a good egg. And a great actress and I admire what she is doing with her UN work.

Sawyer: Ok, let me try some of these questions.

Pitt: All right. Let’s go! Personal questions. Which I abhor.

Sawyer: Did Angelina Jolie break up your marriage?

Pitt: No. Let’s handle this like a game show. [laughs] No.

Sawyer: Everyone says she is home wrecker.

Pitt: It’s a good story. You know, I’ve been in these tabloids for 14 years now and there’s some point, you just become the Zen master.

Sawyer: Angelina Jolie has publicly and emphatically denied that they were together while making the movie. But no one denies after his separation from Aniston. They met in Kenya, those photos on the beach and he has been wearing a ring, which rumors say came from her. So what kind of relationship is this now? Are they officially together? We give it a try.
Pitt: There’s a lot still to, I guess, put in place. Listen, I don’t know what
the future is just yet. There’s still things that have to, I guess, be answered from me individually.
Sawyer: Are you going to be able to keep this up not talking? Not talking about it?

Pitt: Well, it’s not… there’s not much to talk about, you know, at this time. If there is, I will.

Sawyer: Did you know that there’d be cameras everywhere? Did you know that there’d be cameras in Kenya?

Pitt: Well, obviously not. You know, obviously not. I mean it’s an amazing fact that bounty that’s on my head and the length that these people go to, get these shots and they mount a money that they are paying for these shots. I think something like half million dollars? Or three quarters of million dollars for these shots and as we talk about, what we are talking about today, I can’t help to think what that you know, what that money could have gone to. Hell, I would set up the damn pictures myself.

Sawyer: Ha! Now, do you want to tell me about that ring?

Pitt: What about? About this ring?

Sawyer: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Pitt: What about it?

Sawyer: Who gave it to you?

Pitt: I actually got it at the photo shoot. No, really. I mean the thing we get to do is … It’s really, it’s not a gift from anyone. I know that it’s in stories and magazines or in some speculation that it was a gift from someone. I’m telling you straight out, it’s not. It’s a freebie.

Sawyer: And what about the tabloid portrait of the famously glamorous Jolie as a temturious and him as guy in a mid life crisis.

Pitt: So, you know, if you want to make me the bad guy, then I’ll be the bad guy. I know my truth, I respect my truth and I have no qualms.

Sawyer: And you have no mid life crisis?
Pitt: No, not yet. I keep waiting for it to rear its ugly head. Maybe I do, I don’t know.

Sawyer: What would you ask yourself right now?

Pitt: Well, anything I would ask myself, my response would be, I’m 41 year old man and I don’t see any need to defend myself.

Sawyer: Do you want to clear up on record?

Pitt: No.

Sawyer: Do you want to throw something at me? [laughs] You do?

Pitt: Something heavy. Something really heavy with sharp corners.

Sawyer: In other words, whatever takes for this hunted man to have a little part of his life all his own.

Pitt: Listen, there has been so much speculation and so much misinformation and it’s just been about entertainment and public consumption, I mean, you want to keep something for yourself.

Narrator: Up next, Brad Pitt talks to Diane about children, his own. When Primetime returns.

Sawyer: As we said on July 6th, the eight richest nations in the world were to meet to make a life altering decision about Africa. Whether to increase their commitment at a time when Pitt and Bono and the One Campaign argue Africa is so eager to change with just a little help from its friends.

As the winds of change seems to be blowing for Africa, The One Campaign asking people to sign up on the web site and send a message for July 6th.

Pitt: We should be sending our prayers in president Bush want to wave a support

Drummond: And give the president permission to do what we thing he would like to do with the American publics permission, the job can be done.

Pitt: If we understand that we have a real opportunity to one, end a suffering, to change a coven. We could do this in our lifetime. This is unprecedented. Isn’t it worth a shot?

Sawyer: And there are winds of change for Brad Pitt too. He’s now, finally on a vacation break and for fun, he’s even bleached his hair.

Pitt: New chapter, truly a really interesting time. It’s a shake up year of redirection and I find it very very interesting.

Sawyer: He’s ready, he says for a new kind of life in LA.

Pitt: I want a simpler life. I’m trying to downsize. I’ve got so much crap that just cumulates. So the idea is, is this romantic idea of getting my closet down to section of just like this. And a little pile of clothes are just like this.

Sawyer: And what about the house you designed?

Pitt: Yeah, it’s really beautiful. It’s beautiful.

Sawyer: You know what’s gonna happen to it yet?

Pitt: No. Someone will enjoy it.

Sawyer: Would you ever live in a house that big again, you think?

Pitt: Um, you know, I don’t think so.

Sawyer: We remember, the last time we talked was when he was with his pals on Ocean’s 12 and we asked what he yearned for most in the future.

[to Brad] Still want family?

Pitt: Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, it just feels like a natural progression. You know, it focuses off myself. It’s got to be healthy thing.

Sawyer: As we know, Angelina Jolie adopted a child. We wondered if he would do that too, perhaps one from Africa.

Pitt: Oh, I don’t know. I’m certainly hoping to. It is a beautiful idea. Especially meeting this kids fist to hand but at this point, I don’t know.

Sawyer: Because those people go on impulse, you know?

Pitt: You know, just at this particular point, defining what this, I guess
next juncture or direction it’s gonna be.

Sawyer: But for now, he says, he’s just trying to keep this promise to tell their stories to the rest of the world. Someone once told me, in African say, that the people you meet there leave an imprint on your skin. Idiomatic is the phrases: As I leave for home, I am wearing you.

Pitt: I found, you have seen so daunting, complex in their horror and the end of human existence is somewhere. And it’s not tell little by little, I begin understanding how we could change this. We can change this. Wingalowet, she knows how important her education is. Certainly, Atila, looking after his family. Lesigo, this kid would not be there, if it wasn’t for Americans. But this is the example of when it works and what American can do and what the industrialize of nations of. If we all come together and develop these relationships, I have to answer them and in some way, I guess it’s an honor.

Sawyer: And we would like to say “Thank You” to save the children for their help and the work we saw there and of course the One That’s our show for tonight. If you want to find out more on what you can do, go to out web site at I’m Diane Sawyer and as the Ethiopians would say, Amasakanalu. Thank you and from all of us on this special primetime, Good Night.

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