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Semana – 2005

THE SEXIEST ACTOR – by Andres Arconado

We interviewed the lead actor of Mr. And Mrs. Smith; during the shoot the actor fell in love with Angelina Jolie, with whom it is rumored he may now have broken up.

We are in front of one of the biggest idols that cinema has given us in recent times. At 41 Brad Pitt is still a sex symbol, although he doesn’t like the title. His new love is rumored to be Angelina Jolie, his co-star in Mr. And Mrs. Smith.

The actor refuses to talk about his alleged relationship with the actress and we can understand a bit of what is going on only by reading between the lines.Shy and sparse in his answers, we wanted to know how he brought this assassin to life whose professional interests come before the love for his wife…

‘The fact that they are assassins is secondary to me – he says. The movie deals most of all with relationships. It is more of a metaphor of how we shouldn’t let ourselves be swept away by our job; it is a metaphor of marriage.”

Working with Angelina

Is it true that you requested Angelina for the part?

I don’t know where that came from. Originally there was another actress. We thought about Angelina because in Mr. And Mrs. Smith it was very important for the co-stars to be in terms of equality. In the fight scenes, literally, the blows were real and we were in equal conditions.

What do you think about hitting a woman on screen?

Well, I feel well… (he jokes), I also received some blows. And good ones, believe me. But you have to get beyond that. I believe that they were one of the best comical moments. They stand for how we leave each other out.

How do you fight, kiss and make love in one scene?

Well, it is strange, but we all do it to live. We like extremes, why not go all the way?

Real Chemistry

Will there be a sequel?

We had different endings that will be included in the DVD edition; one of them shows the couple having a baby. That is one of the possibilities of a sequel, but I am not sure I want to make it.

The chemistry seems real …

(Pitt avoids answering with a joke) Between Vince Vaughn and me? It was powerful. But now Vince and I are just platonic friends and we respect each other professionally.

What do you like best about Angelina Jolie?

(Again he avoids answering) Vince is good looking, loving, makes great eggs Benedict … but I hate when he wakes up in the morning.

A lot has been said about your breakup with Jennifer Aniston.

A lot of nasty and false things have been said during my marriage to Jen. In her case it is very hard to hear some of these things, they would wake up violent instincts in anyone.

Let them talk

The theory that you split up because of Angelina Jolie?

My attitude towards that subject is that people may think and talk all they want. Jen and I know what was the reason. I love her very much and I respect her and that is the way it will continue. It is something I am very proud of. I believe we have kept a nice friendship and I am going to fight to keep it that way. Ours was very beautiful and I will always love her for what we had and for what she gave me.

Marriage is hard…

…but fantastic. It has its good and bad things, but I still believe in it and I don’t see it as a failure. Life is made up of all sorts of things and everything enriches us. I know I have some sleepless night ahead, but it is part of the situation. Not long ago a friend wrote to me and told me that sometimes love changes shape and I told myself: “Well, yes, we can still love each other, but in a different way.”

Besides cinema, what other things do you like?

I am currently very interested in architecture. A work of art that makes you feel and experience it. I am attracted to modernism, the Bauhaus style. Beauty in the materials; you don’t have to decorate a house as if it were a cake. There is more honesty and purity in those styles; the Bauhaus sensibility is like a religion.

Besides cinema

Do you see yourself shooting movies your entire life?

I don’t think I will be doing this my entire life. There are many things I would like to do. For instance, family is one thing that interests me a lot.

What kind of father would you be?

I’ll tell you when I become one. I have this great illusion of being one. I think it is a huge responsibility; you need to leave your work and your life on a secondary place and teach that little person what the world is. That is what gives meaning to life.

Will you marry again?

That is something I don’t even think about right now. I can’t imagine it; it is not easy either to describe what I feel. I still have feelings of what was, of my Jen. I am not ready yet to think about these things and I believe that neither is she.

Would you adopt a child?

I don’t know. I just know that I am very shocked by what I have seen and that soon I will visit again some of the children I saw.

I believe you like riding bikes, is that true?

I like getting my bike, adjusting the helmet, leaving home without being recognized by the paparazzi and being able to ride around, stop at a traffic light, see the man in the car next to me, hear his music, stop and see the billboards…


And that new hair, so blond, why?

I wasn’t sure I had enough publicity, so I thought I had to do something to draw attention to myself. I am embarrassed to admit it. (He laughs)

You support the fight against poverty and the fight against AIDS in Africa. How was your visit to that continent?

In some places over there they hadn’t heard of the United States, of Bush, Of England, of Tony Blair. God it was gratifying and refreshing. I went as an observer; they weren’t observing me. Some didn’t even know who I was.

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