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Skip – October, 1999


Brad Pitt is a fighter who wears tasteless shirts and plays with hand grenades. Welcome to Fight Club: Peter Krobath discussed with him this year’s most
unusual/ movie.

SKIP: No matter what your position towards Fight Club is, one thing is certain: This is the most unusual Hollywood film in a long, long time.

Brad Pitt: I have always been a fan of David Fincher. To me he belongs to the great visionaries of cinema. His films walk on the edge, I like that. He is
taking the medium into the future because he is always playing around with new ideas, trying out new technologies, Furthermore, he has a voice, and this
is rare in Hollywood. His projects are unique, because they don’t go with the flow. I liked Fight Club from the very beginning. I immediately felt I
understood this story, although I wasn’t sure for a long time why I did.

SKIP: But it is a rather dark, pessimistic movie…

Brad Pitt: Really? It is only a metaphor. I find Fight Club quite amusing.

SKIP: To me, Fight Club shows a frightening real vision of America today, in spite of all the satirical exaggerations.

Brad Pitt: Hahaha, that’s the funny thing about it!

SKIP: Fight Club is a film that answers so many existential questions. How far has this changed your personal attitude towards life?

Brad Pitt: I believe that I see now many things clearer than before. I can address problems directly, I can define my own restlessness easier. I know
which way I’m going…

SKIP: Do you think that such Fight Clubs really exist in today’s America, where frustrated men because of life’s philosophical reasons knock each other’s
teeth out.

Brad Pitt: I have never seen a real Fight Club, but I have surely heard about it.

SKIP: What would you say if people take the movie as a model and start such Fight Clubs?

Brad Pitt: That these people haven’t understood anything. The point isn’t to beat the crap out of each other. The point is to do something that strictly
opposes everything society has taught us. Usually we try to avoid pain at all cost, but the people in Fight Club are looking for the pain in order to
achieve new experiences.

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