Brad’s parents Jane Etta Hillhouse (08/13/1940) & William Alvin Pitt (03/24/1941). (Married 08/11/1962 in Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri)
Brad’s (both younger) brother Douglas Pitt (1966) and sister Julie Neal Pitt (1969).
Brad’s grandmother (William Pitt’s mother) Betty Jean Brown Pitt Russell (04/25/1922). She did an interview about her grandson Brad for Shawnee News Star in 1999. She passed away september 14, 2017 at the Rose Manor Nursing Center in Shawnee, Oklahoma at the age of 95.
Brad and Angelina Jolie’s (adopted) children Pax Thien (DOB 11/29/03), Zahara Marley (DOB. 01/08/05) and Maddox Chivan (DOB. 08/05/01). And his children Shiloh Nouvel (DOB. 05/27/06), Knox Leon (DOB 07/12/08) and Vivienne Marcheline (DOB 07/12/08) with Angelina Jolie.