1. I just noticed on pic #16 (Brad, Knox & Shi)
    they are walkin in sync. lol

    Angie looks like such a loving & caring Mommy.
    Brad was right when he said the best gift I could give to my kids is their mother.

    so, that’s a Ducati backpack. tx, Jamie.
    Mad will be on his first bike at 15 I am sure, if not before.

  2. well said Jamie!

    Josie, I even call call Brad’s nosey Pittporn.
    I love his nose so much.

    Beautiful loving lovely & happy family.
    tx for the pics.

  3. Such a beautiful family, my goodness. Quite a difference from the photos when Knox and Vivienne were babies coming through the airport last time they were in Japan.

    When Brad, Shiloh and Knox are walking together, they look like triplets, especially when the wind blows their hair in their faces. Knox just looks so proud of himself, smiling to show his dimples–just like his father. I think Zahara thinks she is the second mommy, especially to Knox. They are cute together, but again, all cute. Maddox with a Ducati backpack, how cool is that.

    Now, Mr. Pitt’s hair needs it’s own topic. It is gorgeous!! Thanks for the photos.

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