1. Well,Yeap .. as you all said I am also agree that Oscar was awfully boring this year … well,I believe last year Oscar which had both Angie and Brad was so rocking , not just because of them but it was awesome … ! well,these pictures sounds cool .. thanks!:D

  2. I think so, too. I mean, Brad wasn’t there and the nominees were boring and there was no party atmosphere. Very bad ceremony this year, I agree.

  3. iam happy bcz brd didnot attend the oscar bcz iths the most boring celebrations of the year brad are up and the oscar goes down

  4. oh iam happy bcz braddidnt attend the oscar bcz its the worst academy award in history this year inglorious bastadrd the best are someone see the hurt locker?

  5. So, they weren’t at the OSCARS, were they ?
    Because I looked everywhere for pictures, but I didn’t found one where you can see the two of them ..

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