EPIX is an multiplatform entertainment service. It’s a joint venture between Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate. EPIX will simultaneously deliver the latest movie blockbusters, new releases and library classics on multiple platforms.
If you are in the US and would like a limited 72-hour login to watch (in HD) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, other movies and more at EPIX, just click on the following link and request your access code.
The first 500 people routed from SB will be given a limited pass. How great is this?
Epix will play The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Be sure to check out the behind the scenes stuff: For Benjamin Button, there’s exclusive footage of Brad’s age transformation, his vocal changes, a ton of movies stills & wallpapers .. tons of sweet stuff.
One of the coolest Epix features is the “watch with friends” feature. You can invite up to four friends to watch the movie with you! Something to definitely check out when you’re in there.
Please note that this chance is for US residents only. And the link will only work when clicked from SimplyBrad.com
Thank you Lyndsey!
this is awesome! thanks!
It’s not jst Benjamin Button, they’ve lots more, so check it out, you got nothing to lose and it won’t obligate you to anything :)
So it’s cross between Netflix and Hotu?
I have the ext DVD already, but good luck to those who proceed.
oh.. nice..